Withania Somnifera – Ashvagandha

A combination of the Sanskrit words ‘ashva’, meaning horse, and ‘gandha’, meaning smell, combine to form Ashvagandha, which implies that the Ashvagandha fresh roots have a strong horse-like odor. It also implies to its potential ability to increase strength. Botanical Name: Withania somnifera Family Name: Solanaceae  English Name: Indian ginseng, Poison gooseberry, Winter cherry. Synonyms in Sanskrit: Vajigandha, Hayagandha,, Turagagandha, Varahakarni, Balada, Kushthagandhini, Atishukrala (वाजि-हय-तुरग-गन्धा, वराहकर्णी, बलदा, कुष्ठगन्धिनी, अतिशुक्रला) Categorization in Classical Texts: Charaka: Balya, Bruhmaniya, Madhuraskandha External Morphology Short, tender, perennial herb.Read more about Withania Somnifera – Ashvagandha[…]